For integrating with Razorpay , you need to have a Razorpay account.
After that you need to go to login to Razorpay website with your Razorpay Username & Password.
In the left hand side panel click on Developers.

After that in right hand side window click on Regenerate Live Key.

You will get Key and Secret.
Save this somewhere as you need to enter this in Innoventry Software in RazorPay Integration window.
In Innoventry Software Clcik on Tools menu and then click on Integrations.

Under Integations click on Razorpay. You will see following window:

Enter Key and Secret you have saved from Razorpay account & click on OK.
Your Razorpay Integration is DONE.
To send payment link. Select a Sale or Quatation transaction for whom you wish to create a payment link. You can also select a ledger from Outstanding Report, whom you wish to send payment link & clcik on Payment Link button in the toolbar.

As you click on Payment Link button, you will get a window showing the link with Copy Link option. In the backend an automate text message with payment link will be sent to the customer by Razorpay
You can also Copy the link and you can share this link by mail or Whatsapp to the customer.