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Can I send SMS of Payment Due to particular ledgers ?

Yes you can send SMS of Payment Due .

  • Set Text of SMS manually
  • Go to Setup Configuration SMS Setting > click on Payment Due
  • At the end of page you can see the SMS text Dear ,Your account  here you can write the text of SMS Thanks!

Click on OK button.


Send SMS
 1.Go to Reports Accounting Reports Outstandings

  1.     Tick on the check box of ledger for whom you want to send       reminder of Payment Due.
  2.     Click on Send Reminder button.
  3.  One dialog is open which ask confirmation for sending reminder.
  4.  Click on OK button.

1. you need to purchase the SMS gateway from outside.(if you don’t know anything about that and want to purchase SMS then you can contact to Innoventry support team.)
2.Go to Setup Configuration SMS Setting enter the details of SMS gateway

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