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How can I import ledger to Innoventry?

If you are new user of Innoventry Software and you want to import your ledgers to Innoventry, follow the following steps:

Export Ledger to Excel:
Launch the Innoventry software, first export ledger list by using
 Export Ledger to Excel for used as template to import ledgers in software.
1. Go to Tools >Import/Export>Export Ledger to Excel.
2. File Path: Enter your Excel file path where you want to create the Excel sheet Or select the already created blank Excel Sheet.

Import Ledger from Excel:
1. Go to Tools >Import/Export>Import Ledger from Excel
2. File Path: Enter your Excel file path which we have created through Export Ledger to Excel or click on Browse button to select Excel file.
Click on Ok button.

 1. Please Do not provide any information in ‘Id’ column in excel while importing data.
2. Ledger name is mandatory field so you must have to fill the field while importing ledgers.

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